Warcraft 3 Life Of A Peasant

Map Details for Life of a Peasant: Life of a Peasant by MoonWalker Remake of classic Loap. By MoonWalker v2.5 Rate this map: (77) Good - (21) Bad Share this map: Tweet Download Life of a Peasant Classical Rev2.5.w3x. Peasants are trained from the hard-working and stout-hearted citizens that live in the numerous kingdoms of Lordaeron. By mining Gold and harvesting Lumber to meet the ever-increasing needs of the fighting force which must push back the unrelenting Horde, they are the backbone of the Alliance. Two large groups still stand, the drug lord and the Police, the police brought the CIA in town. The map is very large, alot of exploring to do, lot's of secrets and adventure, group up with friends and make a.

Overview | Heroes and Units | Unit Stats | Tech-tree | Arcane Vault | Building Stats | Basics | Advanced | Combos | Defeating Humans

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Life Of A Peasant

Heroes: Paladin | Archmage | Mountain King | Blood Mage
Units : Peasant | Militia | Footman | Rifleman | Knight | Priest | Sorceress
Spell Breaker | Flying Machine | Mortar Team | Siege Engine
Gryphon Rider | Dragonhawk Rider | Water Elemental | Phoenix
Unit Index | Human Index

Peasants are trained from the hard-working and stout-hearted citizens that live in the numerous kingdoms of Lordaeron. By mining Gold and harvesting Lumber to meet the ever-increasing needs of the fighting force which must push back the unrelenting Horde, they are the backbone of the Alliance. Trained not only in the construction and maintenance of the myriad buildings found in every community, but also those necessary to wage war, they take great pride in the invaluable service they provide. Roused by the tales of the Orcish atrocities in Azeroth, these Peasants have learned to use both pick and axe for their own defenses if threatened.
Cost: 75 1
Unit Type:Normal
Attack Type:Normal
Weapon Type:Normal
Armor Type:Medium
Ground Attack:5.5 avg

Air Attack:None
Hit Points:220
Health Regeneration:Always
Mana Regeneration:N/A
Day Sight:80
Night Sight:60
Speed:Slow (190)
Build Time:15
Trained At:Town Hall
Transport Space
Production Hot Key:P

You can only fit 5 Peasants on a Gold Mine. Do not attempt to place any more on a Gold Mine.

Peasants cannot be upgraded but they can be converted to Militia.

Repair (Autocast)
Peasants can repair Buildings and Mechanical Units automatically when Repair is enabled. Repairing costs Gold and Lumber. If you do not have enough Gold or Lumber you will not be able to repair.
Warcraft 3 life of a peasant maps
Mines gold from gold mines and harvests lumber from trees.
Return Resources
Return the carried resources to the nearest town hall.
Build Structure
Brings up a list of the available buildings that you may choose to construct.
Go here for a listing of buildings available.

Peasants build on the outside of buildings. This means that the enemy can kill them while a building is being constructed to halt its construction. Command multiple Peasants to build a building if there is a risk they may be destroyed while a building is being created.

Peasants can create buildings much faster by commanding multiple Peasants to create a building. Simply select Peasants and right click on a building that is being constructed. The Peasants will move in and will speed up the construction of a building. It will cost additional resources to build a building faster and Peasants working on a building will not be gathering resources so it is not always a good idea to speed build. Only Peasants can speed build; the other races cannot speed build.

Call to Arms
Run to the nearest Town Hall to arm the Peasant, converting him into a Militiaman.
This article is about a fan created Custom Map designed on Warcraft III with the World Editor. The map contains non-Blizzard information, and events are not official.
It should not be taken as representing official lore!
Warcraft 3 Life Of A Peasant
LOAP Minimap

Life of a Peasant, abbreviated as 'LOAP', was an early roleplaying custom map in Warcraft III. While it was never a roaring success as Defense of the Ancients was and still is, LOAP has become one of the most edited custom maps on Warcraft III.

Warcraft 3 Life Of A Peasant Power Ultimate


LOAP was first made by StankeyNuggets under the map name of Real Life not too long after Warcraft III's release. At what point the map name was changed to Life of a Peasant is unclear. LOAP has never had a uniform 'brand' of versions, and instead the recent new maps available now are copies of copies, and so the evolution of the map has been very erratic due to its extreme decentralization of order.

Warcraft 3 Life Of A Peasant Maps


Most LOAPs have peasants, a Police Chief, a Drug Lord, and the Mafia. Some versions more prominent in Reign of Chaos have a Go-Kart Manager instead of a Drug Lord. Some versions also created entire new factions.

Warcraft 3 life of a peasant power ultimate

The job of the Police Chief is to maintain order in the land while fighting the Drug Lord and Mafia boss. The Police can enforce the law by arresting people and putting them in jail. This has often led to abuse, as there normally is no way for the person to get out of jail, the prison van can easily 'arrest' people without being prevented by the player, and the people playing the Police would often leave people in jail indefinitely.

The job of the Drug Lord is to sell drugs (items that can increase the stats of heroes). The Drug Lord holds a monopoly of supply of the drugs, as in most versions only he can harvest drugs, and as a result has full control over the price.

Life Of A Peasant Warcraft 3 Reforged

The Mafia's job is to fight the Police.

Peasants in LOAP do not initially have a specific aim. Each peasant can have one job for receiving gold. Generally at the start of the game there is a rush by the peasants to get the mayor job (and in some versions the president too) as it is the only job that does not require you to do anything at all. Some of the numerous other jobs are a doctor, garbage collector and mailman.

Houses are dotted around the map and can be bought at a set price. While their doors can be used as a temporary obstruction for enemies, they are largely for roleplay purposes. Some houses in some versions however come with a item storage box, a 'security building' (where you can train militia), and even cars.

Warcraft 3 Life Of A Peasant 60k

Despite LOAP having numerous versions, it's core gameplay does not change by much from version to version. Death for example is never permanent for any hero in LOAP. After an amount of time, the hero will resurrect at the doctor's surgery usually at the cost of losting a set percentage of money. This is why imprisonment is generally considered a worse punishment than death, unlike in real life. The general layout of the map is also kept the same, although some maps extend it.

Warcraft 3 Life Of A Peasant Ascension


Because LOAP is a fairly basic map lacking protection while certainly not lacking potency to easily give the host strong powers, it has come to be quite possibly one of the most edited Warcraft III custom maps of all time. Mapggnome.org holds more than 10,000 different LOAP versions.

Some of the more prominent versions are:

  • Highschool Loap
  • LOAP 2 Gold
  • Loap God and Death
  • Loap God of Hellfire
  • Loap Japan
  • Loap Make Your Own Gang
  • Loap Martial Arts
  • Loap Resident Evil

Warcraft 3 Life Of A Peasant

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